Creating a Spark SQL View from a Mordor Dataset

Extracting Mordor JSON File

Get compressed Zip file

We could use the wget command and the -O (output document file) option to save the file in a datasets folder. However, to keep it simple for this workshop, we already downloaded the dataset for you.

! wget -O datasets/

Extract JSON file

We are using the unzip command and -o (Overwrite) and -d (different directory) options to save the file in datasets folder

! unzip -o ../datasets/ -d ../datasets/
Archive:  ../datasets/
  inflating: ../datasets/apt29_evals_day1_manual_2020-05-01225525.json  

We will store the path of the json file in a variable to facilitate our code

apt29Json = '../datasets/apt29_evals_day1_manual_2020-05-01225525.json'

Creating a SQL View

Create Spark session

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession

spark = SparkSession \
    .builder \
    .appName("Mordor") \
    .config("spark.sql.caseSensitive","True") \

Read JSON file

apt29Df =
CPU times: user 4.44 ms, sys: 2.46 ms, total: 6.89 ms
Wall time: 27.9 s = 1, vertical = True)
-RECORD 0-----------------------------------------------
 @timestamp                      | 2020-05-01 22:55:... 
 @version                        | 1                    
 AccessList                      | null                 
 AccessMask                      | null                 
 AccessReason                    | null                 
 AccountName                     | SYSTEM               
 AccountType                     | User                 
 Action                          | null                 
 Active                          | null                 
 ActiveProfile                   | null                 
 ActivityID                      | null                 
 AdapterName                     | null                 
 AdapterSuffixName               | null                 
 AdditionalInfo                  | null                 
 AdditionalInfo2                 | null                 
 AdvancedOptions                 | null                 
 AlgorithmName                   | null                 
 Application                     | null                 
 Archived                        | null                 
 AuthenticationPackageName       | null                 
 BitlockerUserInputTime          | null                 
 BootMenuPolicy                  | null                 
 BootMode                        | null                 
 BootStatusPolicy                | null                 
 BootType                        | null                 
 BuildVersion                    | null                 
 CallTrace                       | C:\windows\SYSTEM... 
 CallerProcessId                 | null                 
 CallerProcessName               | null                 
 CalloutId                       | null                 
 CalloutKey                      | null                 
 CalloutName                     | null                 
 CalloutType                     | null                 
 Category                        | null                 
 ChangeType                      | null                 
 Channel                         | Microsoft-Windows... 
 ClassId                         | null                 
 ClassName                       | null                 
 ClientCreationTime              | null                 
 ClientProcessId                 | null                 
 CommandLine                     | null                 
 Company                         | null                 
 CompatibleIds                   | null                 
 Conditions                      | null                 
 Config                          | null                 
 ConfigAccessPolicy              | null                 
 ContextInfo                     | null                 
 CorruptionActionState           | null                 
 CountNew                        | null                 
 CountOfCredentialsReturned      | null                 
 CountOld                        | null                 
 CreationUtcTime                 | null                 
 CurrentDirectory                | null                 
 CurrentStratumNumber            | null                 
 DCName                          | null                 
 Default SD String:              | null                 
 Description                     | null                 
 DestAddress                     | null                 
 DestPort                        | null                 
 DestinationHostname             | null                 
 DestinationIp                   | null                 
 DestinationIsIpv6               | null                 
 DestinationPort                 | null                 
 DestinationPortName             | null                 
 Details                         | null                 
 Device                          | null                 
 DeviceDescription               | null                 
 DeviceId                        | null                 
 DeviceName                      | null                 
 DeviceNameLength                | null                 
 DeviceTime                      | null                 
 DeviceVersionMajor              | null                 
 DeviceVersionMinor              | null                 
 Direction                       | null                 
 DirtyPages                      | null                 
 DisableIntegrityChecks          | null                 
 DisabledPrivilegeList           | null                 
 DnsServerList                   | null                 
 Domain                          | NT AUTHORITY         
 DriveName                       | null                 
 DwordVal                        | null                 
 EdgeTraversal                   | null                 
 ElevatedToken                   | null                 
 EmbeddedContext                 | null                 
 EnableDisableReason             | null                 
 EnabledNew                      | null                 
 EnabledPrivilegeList            | null                 
 EntryCount                      | null                 
 ErrorCode                       | null                 
 EventCountTotal                 | null                 
 EventID                         | 10                   
 EventIdx                        | null                 
 EventReceivedTime               | 2020-05-01 22:55:26  
 EventTime                       | 2020-05-01 22:55:23  
 EventType                       | INFO                 
 ExecutionProcessID              | 3496                 
 FileName                        | null                 
 FileVersion                     | null                 
 FilterId                        | null                 
 FilterKey                       | null                 
 FilterName                      | null                 
 FilterRTID                      | null                 
 FilterType                      | null                 
 FinalStatus                     | null                 
 Flags                           | null                 
 FlightSigning                   | null                 
 GrantedAccess                   | 0x1000               
 Group                           | null                 
 GroupMembership                 | null                 
 GroupPolicyApplied              | null                 
 HandleId                        | null                 
 Hash                            | null                 
 Hashes                          | null                 
 HiveName                        | null                 
 HiveNameLength                  | null                 
 Hostname                        | UTICA.dmevals.local  
 HypervisorDebug                 | null                 
 HypervisorLaunchType            | null                 
 HypervisorLoadOptions           | null                 
 IdleImplementation              | null                 
 IdleStateCount                  | null                 
 Image                           | null                 
 ImageLoaded                     | null                 
 ImagePath                       | null                 
 ImpersonationLevel              | null                 
 Initiated                       | null                 
 InstanceId                      | null                 
 IntegrityLevel                  | null                 
 InterfaceGuid                   | null                 
 InterfaceName                   | null                 
 IpAddress                       | null                 
 IpPort                          | null                 
 Ipaddress                       | null                 
 IsExecutable                    | null                 
 IsTestConfig                    | null                 
 KernelDebug                     | null                 
 KeyFilePath                     | null                 
 KeyLength                       | null                 
 KeyName                         | null                 
 KeyType                         | null                 
 KeysUpdated                     | null                 
 Keywords                        | -9223372036854775808 
 LastBootGood                    | null                 
 LastBootId                      | null                 
 LastShutdownGood                | null                 
 LayerId                         | null                 
 LayerKey                        | null                 
 LayerName                       | null                 
 LayerRTID                       | null                 
 LinkName                        | null                 
 LmPackageName                   | null                 
 LoadOptions                     | null                 
 LocalAddresses                  | null                 
 LocalOnlyMapped                 | null                 
 LocationInformation             | null                 
 LogDroppedPacketsEnabled        | null                 
 LogSuccessfulConnectionsEnabled | null                 
 LogonGuid                       | null                 
 LogonId                         | null                 
 LogonProcessName                | null                 
 LogonType                       | null                 
 LooseSourceMapped               | null                 
 MajorVersion                    | null                 
 MandatoryLabel                  | null                 
 MaxRunspaces                    | null                 
 MaximumPerformancePercent       | null                 
 Message                         | Process accessed:... 
 MessageNumber                   | null                 
 MessageTotal                    | null                 
 MinRunspaces                    | null                 
 MinimumPerformancePercent       | null                 
 MinimumThrottlePercent          | null                 
 MiniportName                    | null                 
 MiniportNameLen                 | null                 
 MinorVersion                    | null                 
 ModifyingApplication            | null                 
 ModifyingUser                   | null                 
 MulticastFlowsEnabled           | null                 
 NewProcessId                    | null                 
 NewProcessName                  | null                 
 NewProfile                      | null                 
 NewSd                           | null                 
 NewThreadId                     | null                 
 NewTime                         | null                 
 NewValue                        | null                 
 NewValueType                    | null                 
 NominalFrequency                | null                 
 NotificationPackageName         | null                 
 Number                          | null                 
 ObjectName                      | null                 
 ObjectServer                    | null                 
 ObjectType                      | null                 
 ObjectValueName                 | null                 
 OldProfile                      | null                 
 OldSd                           | null                 
 OldTime                         | null                 
 OldValue                        | null                 
 OldValueType                    | null                 
 Opcode                          | null                 
 OpcodeValue                     | 0                    
 Operation                       | null                 
 OperationMode                   | null                 
 OperationType                   | null                 
 Origin                          | null                 
 OriginalFileName                | null                 
 PackageName                     | null                 
 ParentCommandLine               | null                 
 ParentImage                     | null                 
 ParentProcessGuid               | null                 
 ParentProcessId                 | null                 
 ParentProcessName               | null                 
 Path                            | null                 
 Payload                         | null                 
 PerformanceImplementation       | null                 
 PipeName                        | null                 
 PreAuthType                     | null                 
 PreviousCreationUtcTime         | null                 
 PreviousTime                    | null                 
 PrivilegeList                   | null                 
 ProcessCreationTime             | null                 
 ProcessGuid                     | null                 
 ProcessId                       | 900                  
 ProcessName                     | null                 
 ProcessingMode                  | null                 
 ProcessingTimeInMilliseconds    | null                 
 Product                         | null                 
 Profile                         | null                 
 ProfileChanged                  | null                 
 ProfileUsed                     | null                 
 Profiles                        | null                 
 Properties                      | null                 
 Protocol                        | null                 
 ProviderContextKey              | null                 
 ProviderContextName             | null                 
 ProviderContextType             | null                 
 ProviderGuid                    | {5770385F-C22A-43... 
 ProviderKey                     | null                 
 ProviderName                    | null                 
 ProviderType                    | null                 
 PuaCount                        | null                 
 PuaPolicyId                     | null                 
 QfeVersion                      | null                 
 QueryName                       | null                 
 QueryResults                    | null                 
 QueryStatus                     | null                 
 ReadOperation                   | null                 
 Reason                          | null                 
 ReasonForRejection              | null                 
 RecordNumber                    | 138294               
 RelativeTargetName              | null                 
 RemoteAddresses                 | null                 
 RemoteAdminEnabled              | null                 
 RemoteEventLogging              | null                 
 RemoteMachineID                 | null                 
 RemoteUserID                    | null                 
 ResourceAttributes              | null                 
 RestrictedAdminMode             | null                 
 RestrictedSidCount              | null                 
 ReturnCode                      | null                 
 RuleAttr                        | null                 
 RuleId                          | null                 
 RuleName                        | -                    
 RuleStatus                      | null                 
 SchemaVersion                   | null                 
 ScriptBlockId                   | null                 
 ScriptBlockText                 | null                 
 SecurityOptions                 | null                 
 SecurityPackageName             | null                 
 Sent UpdateServer               | null                 
 Service                         | null                 
 ServiceAccount                  | null                 
 ServiceFileName                 | null                 
 ServiceName                     | null                 
 ServiceSid                      | null                 
 ServiceStartType                | null                 
 ServiceType                     | null                 
 ServiceVersion                  | null                 
 SettingType                     | null                 
 SettingValue                    | null                 
 SettingValueDisplay             | null                 
 SettingValueSize                | null                 
 Severity                        | INFO                 
 SeverityValue                   | 2                    
 ShareLocalPath                  | null                 
 ShareName                       | null                 
 ShutdownActionType              | null                 
 ShutdownEventCode               | null                 
 ShutdownReason                  | null                 
 Signature                       | null                 
 SignatureStatus                 | null                 
 Signed                          | null                 
 SourceAddress                   | null                 
 SourceHandleId                  | null                 
 SourceHostname                  | null                 
 SourceImage                     | C:\windows\system... 
 SourceIp                        | null                 
 SourceIsIpv6                    | null                 
 SourceModuleName                | eventlog             
 SourceModuleType                | im_msvistalog        
 SourceName                      | Microsoft-Windows... 
 SourcePort                      | null                 
 SourcePortName                  | null                 
 SourceProcessGUID               | {6bbf237a-cafb-5e... 
 SourceProcessGuid               | null                 
 SourceProcessId                 | 900                  
 SourceThreadId                  | 504                  
 StartAddress                    | null                 
 StartFunction                   | null                 
 StartModule                     | null                 
 StartTime                       | null                 
 StartType                       | null                 
 State                           | null                 
 Status                          | null                 
 StopTime                        | null                 
 SubLayerKey                     | null                 
 SubLayerName                    | null                 
 SubLayerType                    | null                 
 SubjectDomainName               | null                 
 SubjectLogonId                  | null                 
 SubjectUserName                 | null                 
 SubjectUserSid                  | null                 
 SupportInfo1                    | null                 
 SupportInfo2                    | null                 
 TSId                            | null                 
 TargetDomainName                | null                 
 TargetFilename                  | null                 
 TargetHandleId                  | null                 
 TargetImage                     | C:\windows\System... 
 TargetInfo                      | null                 
 TargetLinkedLogonId             | null                 
 TargetLogonGuid                 | null                 
 TargetLogonId                   | null                 
 TargetName                      | null                 
 TargetObject                    | null                 
 TargetOutboundDomainName        | null                 
 TargetOutboundUserName          | null                 
 TargetProcessGUID               | {6bbf237a-cb97-5e... 
 TargetProcessGuid               | null                 
 TargetProcessId                 | 2092                 
 TargetProcessName               | null                 
 TargetServerName                | null                 
 TargetSid                       | null                 
 TargetUserName                  | null                 
 TargetUserSid                   | null                 
 Task                            | 10                   
 TaskContentNew                  | null                 
 TaskName                        | null                 
 TerminalSessionId               | null                 
 TestSigning                     | null                 
 ThreadID                        | 4396                 
 TicketEncryptionType            | null                 
 TicketOptions                   | null                 
 TimeSource                      | null                 
 TimeSourceRefId                 | null                 
 TokenElevationType              | null                 
 TransactionId                   | null                 
 TransmittedServices             | null                 
 Type                            | null                 
 UpdateReason                    | null                 
 User                            | null                 
 UserData                        | null                 
 UserID                          | S-1-5-18             
 UserName                        | null                 
 UserSid                         | null                 
 UtcTime                         | 2020-05-02 02:55:... 
 VendorIds                       | null                 
 Version                         | 3                    
 VersionLen                      | null                 
 VirtualAccount                  | null                 
 VsmLaunchType                   | null                 
 VsmPolicy                       | null                 
 Weight                          | null                 
 Workstation                     | null                 
 WorkstationName                 | null                 
 host                            | wec.internal.clou... 
 param1                          | null                 
 param10                         | null                 
 param11                         | null                 
 param2                          | null                 
 param3                          | null                 
 param4                          | null                 
 param5                          | null                 
 param6                          | null                 
 param7                          | null                 
 param8                          | null                 
 param9                          | null                 
 port                            | 60737                
 tags                            | [mordorDataset]      
only showing top 1 row

Expose the dataframe as a SQL view


Analyzing the APT29 dataset

Filtering on Sysmon event 1: Process Creation

sysmon1 = spark.sql(
SELECT Image, ProcessId, ProcessGuid
FROM apt29
WHERE Channel = 'Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational'
    AND EventID = 1
''') = 5, truncate = False)
|Image                                                    |ProcessId|ProcessGuid                           |
|C:\ProgramData\victim\‮cod.3aka3.scr                   |8524     |{47ab858c-e13c-5eac-a903-000000000400}|
|C:\Windows\System32\conhost.exe                          |5156     |{47ab858c-e144-5eac-aa03-000000000400}|
|C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe                              |2772     |{47ab858c-e144-5eac-ab03-000000000400}|
|C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe|5944     |{47ab858c-e14e-5eac-ac03-000000000400}|
|C:\Windows\System32\SearchProtocolHost.exe               |4152     |{47ab858c-e17d-5eac-ad03-000000000400}|
only showing top 5 rows

Thank you! I hope you enjoyed it!